Getting started

This section contains information about integrating the SDK into your app.

How it works

The SDK that integrated into your app make requests to the SORI API Server for authentication, campaign retrieval and recognition result reporting. These tasks are performed seamlessly in the background, so you don't need to take care of them. Once authentication is complete and requested to start recognition, the SDK will start listening for audio recognition.

When the audio is recognized, the SDK will report the result to the server and retrieve the campaign to be displayed to the user.

Campaigns sometimes not be displayed depending on the operating period of the campaign and the place where the user is located. You can manage how campaigns delivered to users through the SORI Console.

Note that restricting the GEO location feature is not fully supported yet.

Prepare Credentials

For integration with mobile apps, You need app_id and secret_key. The app_id and secret_key can be created from the Applications menu on SORI Console by yourself.

In many cases, you only need just one app key for your app. If you provide more than two apps, create another app key for each app.

app_id and secret_key are used to authenticate the SDK with the SORI API Server. Please keep it safe as it is a password. If you suspect that your app key has been leaked, you can revoke it and regenerate it from the SORI Console.


Currently, SORI SDK supports Android and iOS

We will support Futter soon

Since the SDK is different for each platform, please refer to the following links for integration.